Chronic lightheaded ness for over 9 years. Used to drive everywhere up until 4 years ago and now I can't as I had a big panic attack one day at the traffic lights, probably because I'd driven while not feeling 100% (lightheaded feeling). As a result of that I have a phobia of being stuck at a traffic light or in traffic in general. Resulting in me giving up my job. I have had MRI, ears checked, blood works, physician (who says I'm fit and healthy) yeah right. I have noticed the light-headedness gets worse a week before my period. I'm at my wits end trying to think what causes this. I don't feel worried, and score low on the anxiety test. But my doctor just said it must be anxiety. I'm so confused by this condition and miss driving anywhere like I used to. When I do drive I cannot go over 70kph max, as it feels too uncomfortable and dangerous. Usually I just go around my local suburb at 60kph no worries.