I have constant, severe pain mid/upper back that.hurts all the way across back and through to upper stomach area. It started suddenly yesterday morning with a tearing pain that felt as though I had torn a muscle, but I hadn't made a movement that would have caused it. At the ER they did blood work, EKG and CT scan. Aorta was fine, no pulmonary embolism (which I have had twice and am on warfarin for control), lungs were clear but they diagnosed probable pleurisy because of my medical history. I do not think that is the problem because it does not hurt more to breath it is just a constant pain and does not feel the same as any other times I have had pleurisy. Labs were all normal except for high glucose which was 117 (I have type II diabetes and am on Actos for control). Blood pressure was 110/70, EKG was normal. Hydrocodone was prescribed for pain but did not help at all. Since I had been taking hydromorphone 4mg every 8 hours for osteonecrosis I have been using that instead. It takes 6mg to even take the edge off the pain and 8mg to make it tolerable for about 4 to 6 hours. Any suggestions?