the problem of your daghter might be an infection coming after her
adenoidectomy. The fact that she can not walk and that she has pain indicates that the problem can be related with muscles, articulations or inervation.
The most common is artritis in my opinion that is an inflamation of the articulation that is very frequent in persons having infections in adenoid gland.
Bacteria that are commonly found to cause
septic arthritis are:
Staphylococcus aureus - the most common cause in adults
Streptococci - the second most common cause
Micro-organisms must reach the
synovial membrane of a joint. This can happen in any of the following ways:
dissemination of pathogens via the blood, from abscesses or wound infections, or from an unknown focus
dissemination from an acute osteomyelitic focus,
dissemination from adjacent
soft tissue infection,
entry via penetrating trauma
entry via iatrogenic means.
A number of factors should increase one's suspicion of the presence of an infection. In children these are:
fever > 38.5 C, non-weight-bearing, serum WBCs > 12 x 10^9, ESR > 40 mm/hr, CRP > 20 mg/dL, a previous visit for the same
Diagnosis is by aspiration (giving a turbid, non-viscous fluid), Gram stain and culture of fluid from the joint, as well as tell-tale signs in laboratory testing (such as a highly elevated neutrophils (approx. 90%),In the joint aspirate, the typical
white blood cell count in septic arthritis is over 50,000-100,000 cells per 10-6/l (50,000-100,000 cell/mm3
Therapy is usually with intravenous antibiotics, analgesia and washout/aspiration of the joint to dryness. Among pediatric patients with an acute hematogenous septic arthritis a short total course of 10 days of antimicrobials is sufficient in uncomplicated cases
Kind regards