I'm a 21 year old man, with quite a few worries....and the Internet has made them worse. I've been almost obsessively trying to find some kind of diagnosis, for what my body's been doing- for some piece of mind. It starts as a very poor, drunken decision to accompany my neighbor to a brothel. I had sexual intercourse with a condom until about the last 5- 10 minutes because I couldn't finish, until I took it off, that is; which I pulled out immediately when I felt the first sensation and jerked it all out after. It was only vaginal intercourse for those few minutes. Soon after, I tested myself for HIV as I started freaking out and scored a negative. My obsessive research then started to take control and I just couldn't take it anymore so I scheduled an appointment at the set clinic (3-4 days after exposure). I was sick the week before with a simple cold, I assumed, which consisted of a sore throat, fatigue etc. by the weekend I was fine until about day 3, when my sore Throat returned. At the clinic, the doctor checked my groin area, as well as my mouth for any visual sign of any stds and took another rapid quick, oral HIV test which also proved negative. The blood work sent out should be back in about another week, week and a half more or less. Throughout the week, I have been up for approximately three days on end at one point with my friends, drinking and taking vyvanse for work (it is spring break, after all.) my sleep schedule is screwed, I might add, in consistent anyway. That is what i attribute the partial fatigue and very mild muscle aches within the last day to, not to mention New Orleans' very erratic weather pattern. Now, my concern is today, when I noticed an irritation in the crural fold (if I said that correctly, or the creases between the leg and the penis, etc.). Its more or less what seems like a red streak along the crease till about midway to the anus, with bumps that reside along that red dash. It only really irritates me when I touch it or stretch my skin to get a glimpse of it. It's kind of like a burning type irritation, which is now accompanied by a weird burning sensation (more tingling, yet burning I could say...not nessecarily a sting like the kind from when you get soap in your urethra.) at the end of a urine flow (no blister or marks on my penis/scrotum besides razor, as I've recently shaved) burn, accompanied by a random itch anywhere from my groin to my anus. it isnt a bad or relentless itch, it just feels like any other itch you feel during the day. Aside from that, I have these bumps I've never noticed till today that popped up on my shoulder. They're spaced apart a tad (an inch, maybe half too.), but I noticed the other two came one I popped what I ought was a pimple, but then turned painful and flaked up. I had another one opposite back shoulder that seemed to be kinda clear,and hard to pop and when i did, a bit of clear liquid came, then blood. I also have a bump at the top of the opposite arm which I though was a pimple, until after I popped it, which revealed a hollow dome type bump with a red dot in the middle, sort of like a volcano, for lack of better examples. Last thing I have to report is that my sore throat kinda feels like it turned into a kind of node or papule, halfway down. When I swallow I can feel it, as well as when I try to sing or speak extra loudly. I'd like to have ruled out HIV because these symptoms only occurred within the week of possible exposure. I'd like to rule out herpes type 2 as well, because bumps do not normally occur in the creases, and it should hurt tons more (hopefully I haven't spoken too soon). I'm really freaking out, almost obsessively about this constant research and diagnosis hypotheses. I would like some kind of concrete opinion from someone who knows what they're talking about, kinda like a second opinion. Pease, and thank you!!!!!! I will add progression as I check the forums and this post as well.
I have noticed one hive type bump on my face, which i popped like a pimple; and a few little skin coloured bump (barely a mm each) in the webbing between my left thumb and index finger.