Thanks for writing to H.C.M. For query.
I have gone through your query regarding pain in right ear suddenly when you were blowing you nose for cleaning. Since than pain in right ear is persisting and appears as soon as you try to blow your nose.
Your this history of illness indicates that you are suffering from acute upper
respiratory tract infection involving your nose and as you tried to clear your nose infected discharge had entered in your right ear through Eustachian tube thus giving rise to shooting pain and consequently
otitis media had developed.
To manage it you should do these investigations-
(1) C.T.scan of
paranasal sinuses.
(2) Culture and sensitivity of throat swab.
(3) Blood - CBC, blood sugar -F. & P.P.
After this ear and nose should be tharoughly examined and co-related with investigation's inferences toproperly diagnose the condition and treatment.
Till reports of investigations are coming you can take antibiotics,
analgesic, decongestant and steam inhalation.
I hope your query is now explained well.
With Regards.