Hello Claire,
Welcome to healthcaremagic,
I can understand your concern and
anxiety regarding your symptoms,
chest pain can often cause anxiety precisely because it can also be catastrophic, but relax, I do not feel that way with you as you have been to the doctors 3 times already and they have said it could be due to gastric irritation or something similar.
I would like to reassure that, the likely cause for your symptoms could in fact be the gastric irritation or
stress, that would be the case if, your doctors did not find anything abnormal with heart. I would suggest you to continue with your current treatment and at the same time get the basic investigations like electrocardiogram(ecg/ekg),
echocardiogram and a Doppler scan of your legs done if the pain is severe or is nagging you.
I sincerely hope this helps you.
Thank you for asking the question. Please utilize the paid section for more detailed and elaborate answers.
Take care.