Hello, Occasionally, i have very very sharp pain that feel like it shoots up from my rectum maybe about 2-3 inches up the centre of my body. The pain is paralying, and only lasts about 30 seconds. I don t know if it is related, but I also have pretty severe pain in the ovary area, usually on the right side, and this often lasts longer to the tune of 2-3 minutes. I find that when I push it slight relives it, and also if I lay down and bring my knees up. I ve had an endoscopy and there were no signs of cysts or endometriosis . This is not indigestion, as I know what that feels like. Any ideas? I m 29, but have been experiencing these problems for 6 years, I have a 4 yr old child, I have no family history of cancers, and I feel I am otherwise healthy with a vegetarian diet. 5 7 , 125 lbs. Thank you so very much