Hello, I Am 16 years of age, 17 in 3 months. I Have a very serious problem that I really want to discuss with a doctor. Around December of Last year I shaved my private area from hair-hairless. After a few week I started to get itchy, Then 1 month Will come around where I started to have these Pimple Looking Bumps on my penis and my but and legs even on my fingers and arms (those where the area where I put the razor at), the bumps was so aggravating that I had to see a doctor around Feb 2012. I had to take a blood test, they asked me If I had unprotective sex I said yes. So I waited anxiously for the result to come in, I was itching and it was really uncomfortable. So they gave me a cream to use, Those didn t work. then the Results came back positive for Herpes type 1 and 2. I was very sad, but also I wanted something to get this itchness out of me. They gave me some blue pills (Horse Pills I should say because of the size of the pills) then I used it for about 4 day and there was a lot of change. The bumps went down and it was getting clear up. The Itch just suddenly stop. Then when the pills were done, the bumps came back up and itchy started to come back, then I had this 3 Inch wide Ring- worm looking on the top of my knee to the side, it was itchy. I went to a different doctor, and she said that there is not possibilty that I have Herpes. the Reason why is because that I was not feeling pain, I only felt pain when I scratch it and put water on it, causing irritation, other than that I was pain free. She said its probably the razor was unclean, but she gave me some cream, which never worked. Then after a while the bumps cleared up. Then sharp pain will come in my anus when i tighten it. and I would have to put cream to make it go away. Now there are some spots on my skin that I want to remove, but what is worst now is that I feel like I am Having Abdominal Pain . Its comes randomly just a 2 second sharp pain, sometimes i feel it in my neck or a little tickling . sometimes bumps comes up and go away. but I am scared and my mom doesn t want to take me to the hospital or the doctors office yet. Can somebody please answer my question ASAP. I was referred to this site.