Hi ! Good afternoon. I am Dr Shareef, a
general surgeon answering your query.
As you are walking with a limp, I would not think of any
fracture at the moment. However, any trauma on the shin is quite painful, and causes big bruise as the bone is very much superficial without much of
subcutaneous tissue over it. Because of the tenseness of the bruise, and injury to the superficial cutaneous nerves, the area might remain numb for some time, and may take time to recover with regeneration of the nerve fibers to the area.
If I were your treating physician, I would have advised you some anti inflammatory drug, and ice sponging of the area along with an antibiotic,if it was a dirty area where you hit your shin. I hope you must have been vaccinated against
However, if the bruise/
hematoma increases and you continue getting discomfort while walking, I would suggest you to consult an orthopedic surgeon of your area for further management.
Thank you for using health care magic forum for your health related query. Good luck.