2 weeks ago I tried getting to sleep but unable to..felt short of breath, tight chest/ribs, warm sensations and light headed. Lasted about 2 hours. went away, then on/off. Been to the ER twice to rule out heart. First EKG showed a U wave, 2 follow ups were normal.
I'd been working out with an Insanity program over the past 3 months with no issues, taking Spurotein protein shakes..haven't done so since this episode 2 weeks ago.
initial Creatinine of 127, eGFR of 55, UREA 8.0, CK 206
a day later: Creatinine 110, eGFR 65, UREA 7.4, CK 147
Blood work a week later: Creatinine 109, eGFR 66, lipids, normal, thyroid normal, sodium, potassium, cholesteral within normal limits.
I'm going for more blood work tomorrow for pancreas, kidney, + ultrasound on stomach.
Symptoms over past 2 weeks: at times feel bloated/tight ribs, low to mid back after eating. Eating and drinking water - belching more than normal.
UNABLE to fall asleep...try to get to bed for 11pm, unable to fall asleep until 3or4 and up at 7ish...more difficult to breathe if it's damp/humid/warm.
Sometimes still feel constipated, bloaty, lack of energy, warm sensations/light headed. At times I feel I'm not getting enough O2 to lungs have to walk around...can't lie down on my stomach..sleep (try to) more upright...also noticed i'm becoming sensitive to sounds.
Any ideas on what it could be?