Hello Doctor,
I had my first visit to the Gynec today after i did my HPTs at home which turned out to be positive. The Doctor has prescribed me two tablets - Comfol and ZincoVit, one dose daily. However when i asked her that I have been taking Nutrilite Food Supplements of Iron Folic C and Daily Multivitamin Tablet, she said that iron is not required during the first three months of pregnancy, what I believe is that Folic Acid and Iron are important for the growth of the baby and to avoid any neural defects. Further she has suggested me a 3-nite suppository for slight vaginal infection.
Can you please guide me whether the above prescriptions are OK to follow. I know that I have to trust the doctor and go with her advise, but I just want to make everything is sure. May be you can explain me in detail.
P.S. I am 5 weeks pregnant today.