Hello, I am 28 years old and had an abdominal CT scan eight years ago, at the age of 20, without contrast, due to a kidney stone. At that time, I was shielded, but I don’t know how high the radiation dose was for that scan. Two weeks ago, I underwent another abdominal CT scan—this time with contrast and a delayed phase (CT Abdomen before contrast and CT Abdomen after contrast). The scan was performed using a modern Siemens device (SOMATOM go.Up), and the total radiation dose was between 8.19 and 9.28 mSv. However, I was not shielded during this scan. Now I am very worried that I might develop cancer years later because of these scans. Can you explain the matter to me scientifically so I can understand the extent of the effect these rays have on my body? Also, why do I find many people asking questions online and expressing their fear after undergoing CT scans? Thanks!