hello! Abcess or Normal???
24 year old Female. 8 days ago one side of my throat began to swell and became very very painful. My lymphnodes were also tender. I be an amoxicillin weds. That Friday I also receieved a shot of rocephin and a gray spot on the tonsil opened and began draining on the same day.
I have no idea wha my lab results were, but today the pain is down from an 11 to a 1-3 depending. However the spot where the gray thing was is still oozing alot. Its kind of yellow possibly some blood. When I wipe with q tip there is only the tiniest whole like a needle prick, but quite a bit of pus emerges.
No fever. Some anxiousness and no appetite. But also no pain. the tonsil looks very very large but not swollen past a medium or too painful.
could the be normal healing after 5 days of antiobiotics or should I be worrie about flowing pus? My lymphnodes no longer ache. I find it weird an abcess would form while antibiotics were being used ir that it would be painless. Or at least mostly painless. Temp is 97' s.
Greatly appreciate any help! worried about pus going into lungs or blood stream. sorry, typed on phone, hard to spell check!