I have been taking xarelto 20 mg for 2 yrs due to 3 arterial clots (2 in left kidney/1 in lower mes-enteric artery). Nine months ago started with palpitations, lethargy, weakness, and low B/P. MD (oncologist) ordered stool sample, colonoscopy, endoscopy, CT scan, Pet scan, and total lab work up. Labs came back with very low ferrintin and hgb of 6.0. All scopes and scans and stool samples were negative. I m now going for iron infusions every 2-3 months and then 2 units of red blood cells in the next 2-3 months. She says we ve chased this leak long enough and I guess I have to resort to living part of my life in infusion labs. Please, do you have any other thoughts or opinions? Should I get a consult with a hemotologist or with my gastroenterologist?