Thanks for Writing to Health Care Magic and putting trust in us regarding your Health related query.
I am Dr. Saleha and I have read your message in detail, I understand your concern and will try to help you in this.
I feel glad to know that you have lived a healthy life style and the way you have told me I don't think you are on any health risk. This occasional heart burn can also be controlled to much extent just with better life style, food habit change and ,medication.
I will give you a few tips which are expected to help you big time with your problems.
+ You should stay away from spices and acidic food.
+ Don't use tobacco in any form like
smoking Cigar or cigarettes, you have should avoid alcohol too.
+ Do not Drink carbonated fizzy drinks like coke , sprite , energy drinks, avoid drinks having caffeine, avoid tea and coffee.
+ You Food should also contain vegetables, fruits, salad along with
+ If you are over weight ,it is always advised to reduce your weight.
+ Using good quantity of fibre helps stool bulk to be made, it keeps digestion and gut motility better, and it will also help your stomach function better.
+ Reduce Oil content in your food .
+ A walk before dinner is always helpful.
+ Don't eat a big meal immediately before your sleep.
I hope this answers your question.If you have more questions, I am happy to answer.
Wish you lasting health.
Dr.Saleha Saeed.