thank you for asking your concern and welcome to hcm. i would you make you assure that you need not take anti
rabies injection at all based on your description given. i would like to to tell you there are few things where we should be more careful about when to think of taking ARV.
1. stray dog bite
2. history of biting to many people
3. unprovoked bite
4. oozing of blood from the bite mark
5. bite on already existed wound
6. bite on face
7. bite by non vaccinated dog
in your case there is hardly any thing to get worried. there are few things to take care of.
1. wash the bite mark under running tap water, even now it is ok if you have not done it.
2. injection
tetanus is must if not taken within last 3 years
3. observe dog for 10 days if it dies you have to take arv. that can be taken on 11th day also.
4. no need to take antibiotics if wound is clean and small
i hope i answered your concern. feel free to ask any doubts.
thank you
dr. abhijit