Hello, I am 18 years of age and married. I have been with the same man for over 3 years and he is the ONLY person I have been sexually active with. However, he has had multiple partners in the past. About 4 days ago I started getting really itchy on my labia majora. No bumps or anything, just really itchy on one side. The next I noticed 2 small bumps that kinda reminded me of a pimple. I went to my OB GYN and she immediately said it was herpes and proceeded to do a swab test. I am currently waiting the results. I am so upset that I could have hsv. But The very next day, both bumps went away. It doesnt hurt when i pee, although I feel the urge too pee after I have already peed. I do have a discharge that is white and almost watery. No smell. Other than that I feel completely fine. Could she be wrong?? I dont know what I m going to do if it s herpes. I ve never had any symptoms. And by the pictures on the internet, my 2 bumps looked nothing like herpes. My husband has never had any symptoms either. Please help!