Hallow Dear,
I hope the diagnosis was confirmed by
ultrasonography. I am not sure whether your termination of
pregnancy happened naturally or you had to have surgical/medical intervention.
If it was natural termination, there is a possibility that some parts of products could have remained inside the
uterus causing infection and giving you the current feeling. Ultrasonography can help you to diagnose this. If so, evacuation of the uterus under antibiotic umbrella will help you.
The possibility of mistaken diagnosis of
blighted ovum and growing pregnancy has to be ruled out.
The other possibility is the growth of chorionic tissue tumours - either molar pregnancy or choriocarcimnoma. Former will need surgical evacuation while the later can be definitely treated and cured completely by medicines. Please get your pregnancy test and/or
hCG levels done. High hCG levels indicate these conditions.
Along with pregnancy test, ultrasonography will help to clinch the diagnosis. Considering your pregnancy symptoms, I strongly feel, you should get urine tested for pregnancy initially, followed by hCG levels if indicated.
Also get urine examination done to find out any evidence of infection. If found, will have to be treated by appropriate antibiotics.
Please report to your Obstetrician for all this work up and the required treatment.
Take care please,
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri