Hello. Thank you for your question and welcome to HCM. I understand your concern.
Well, madame, who else then us can understand better the nature of your job? It is that the certain amounts of time in standing position and performing various duties, varying from easy to really hard, puts the organism and heart, especially, to a hyperdinamic state. To overcome this state and the load on it, the heart has to do more to cope with this load. Therefore, harder or "pounding" heart beats are produced. Also, adding to this, every time we engage to moderate to strenuous physical activity, assume certain positions for a long time, undergo to a lot of psychological
stress and demanding duties, and lose the normal cycle of sleep which is a characteristic of all shift jobs and which is accompanied with changes in normal diurnal and nocturnal
hormonal levels, are all factors that are superimposed to this stressing event to the heart. I would recommend you a period of a week or two weeks of holidays or going to a spa, where relaxing programmes are readily available.
I hope this answers your query. Take care.
Best regards,
Dr. Meriton