Hello dear,
Thank you for writing.
In my opinion, you have received the right treatment for the urinary infection. Although antibiotics are accused for many adverse effects, the use of
Ciprofloxacin is never described as a cause of vaginal bleeding.
In order to understand the importance of your vaginal bleeding, I need to ask you a few question:
- Are you bleeding more, same or less than in a normal period? You can judge by the number of pads that you are using. If you see big clots, that is a sign that you are bleeding a lot.
- For how many days have you been bleeding?
If you are bleeding more than in a normal period, and for a longer time, I would suggest you to see a gynecology specialist.
Anyway, I think that yours is most likely an anticipated period, and there is no reason to worry.
I hope this helped.
All the best,
Dr. Alma