Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
First- regarding the iron supplement, the doctor probably reviewed you labwork and you may have been anemic the last time your blood was checked. He probably increased you to 3 pills a day because that is the normal treatment dose for
anemia and he wants it to work quickly to have your blood count as high as possible for the delivery, for your own safety in case you lose blood at the time of delivery.
Regarding your urine and your diabetes test in
pregnancy, if you had only one elevated value on your diabetes test during this pregnancy that means you do NOT have
gestational diabetes. You need two elevations to be diagnosed as diabetic. Also, there are many causes of cloudy urine during pregnancy, but diabetes is not one of them.
However, your having a family history of diabetes and having one elevated value on your
glucose test means that you probably do have some glucose intolerance, which can cause your baby to grow larger than average if not controlled well. So I do recommend you try to reduce the unrefined carbohydrates in your diet, especially sugar (in food or drinks) and white flour or bread, rice and potatoes. Your baby can gain up to 300g per week at the end, so these dietary changes will help your baby not get too big. Also you can increase the iron in your diet with meat (if you eat it) leafy green vegetables, nuts and beans.
I hope I was able to answer your question today and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy, Dr. Brown