i have afap, recommended surgery by gastroenterologist was total colon and rectum removal, creating a jpouch, surgeon however said because only a few polyps in rectum he would rather leave 16 cm of rectum intact, said i will need it removed later, but could be 5 yrs from now, or polyps might not come back. should i have gone with my gastro.. opinion instead or does it matter whether they leave the rectal muscle or 16 cm of rectum in. he said i will still need yearly tests to stay cancer free, was this a mistake on my part, i had the final say on it...? surgery is subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis. that is removing all of my colon ..last question what kind of things can i expect post surgery, surgeon says 3-4 soft bowel movements a day? and can eat what i want.? is this true?