Dr. Prashant Kumbhaj , M.B.B.S., M.D. Radiation Oncology
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

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Madhya Pradesh

Professional Details
State Licence Number/NPI
State/Board registered with
Rajasthan Medical Council
Years of experience

Education Details
Degree earned
Name of the university
Residency / Post graduation
Year of post-graduation
Degree earned
M.D. Radiation Oncology

Other Details
. (1)Awarded ASRM Corporate Member Council In-training Travel Award for one oral and one poster presentation as a author, “Fertility after testicular cancer treatment by chemotherapy and radiotherapy” and “Quality of life and sexual functioning in cervical cancer survivors after surgery and radiotherapy”, presented at the Conjoint Meeting of the International Federation of Fertility Societies(IFFS) and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 2013, held at Boston in Oct ‘13.

(2)Awarded Travel Grant for young researchers from overseas for poster presentation as a Author “Study of impact on the quality of life after Radiochemotherapy of locally advanced anal canal carcinoma “at the 11th Annual meeting JSMO Aug 2013 , Sendai Japan

(3)Awarded International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Asia - Pacific Lung Cancer Travel Scholarship to present two posters on lung cancer, “Docetaxel versus Gefitinib in patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC pre-treated with platinum-based chemotherapy” and “Comparative study of two Hypofractionated Palliative Radiotherapy regimen in locally advanced Non small cell lung carcinoma”, at the 4th Australian Lung Cancer Conference 2012 “Translating Advances into Clinical Practice” to held at Adelaide, Australia in Aug ’12, published in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology (Vol. 7,No. 9, Sept ’12).

(4)Awarded Susan G. Komen for the CURE® grant to present poster on breast cancer, “Comparative Study Of IMRT v/s 3DCRT In Postmastectomy Breast Cancer Patients” at the IMPAKT (IMProvingcAre and Knowledge through Translational research) 2012 Breast Cancer Conference held at Brussels, Belgium in May ‘12; published in the Annals of Oncology (Ann Oncol Vol. 23, suppl 2, May ’12). Also attended the pre-IMPAKT training course on translational research.

(5) Awarded travel grant to present poster titled “Study of two different dose fractionation schedules of post mastectomy chest wall irradiation in carcinoma breast patients” at the European School of Oncology, BCY1 – Breast Cancer in Young Women Conference held at Dublin, Ireland in Nov ’12. Also attended the European School of Oncology pre-conference teaching course.
(6) Presented poster as a author titled” Role of Lapatinib and Antiestrogen in Metastatic Triple positive breast cancer patients”in 33rd ICON Conference Patna India. ,March 2015

(7) Presented poster as a author titled “ Antiestrogen with chemotherapy in metastatic granulosa cell tumor” in 4TH TYACON meeting ,Indore ,India,May 2015.
(1)Member of American society of clinical oncology
(2)Member of European society for medical oncology
(3) Member of European school of oncology 
Other professional achievements
(1) Research paper published in the National Journal of Medical Research (NJMR) as a author, “Palliative radiotherapy in the management of advanced pediatric malignancies “Volume 4│Issue 1│Jan – Mar 2014
(2) Research paper published in the Global Journal of Medical Research (GJMR) as a Author, “Study of Weekly Paclitaxel with Concurrent Radiotherapy v/s Weekly Cisplatin with Concurrent Radiotherapy in Advanced Cervix Carcinoma” (Vol. 13, Issue 3, ISSN No. 0975-5888).

(3)Research paper published in International journal of Medical Science and Public Health as a Author “Study of two different dose fractionation schedules of post mastectomy chest wall irradiation in carcinoma breast patients” Year 2013 Vol.2 Issue 1.ISSN No.2320-4664(print),2277338X(online).

(4)Research paper published in the International Journal of Scientific Research as a Author, “Comparative Study of IMRT v/s 3DCRT in Postmastectomy Breast Cancer Patients” (Vol. 2, Issue 9, ISSN No. 2277 – 8179).
(5)Research paper published in the International Journal of Scientific Research as a Author, Recurrent and Metastatic Dermatofibrosarcomaprotuberans (DFSP): A Relatively Rare Case Report .volume 3, Issue 5 , May 2014.ISSN No.2277,8179

(6) Research paper published in the National Journal of Medical Research (NJMR) as a author, Sexual Functioning & Quality Of Life In Cervical Cancer Survivors After Surgery And Radiotherapy. Volume 4│Issue 2│Apr – June 2014

(7) Research paper published in the Global Journal of Medical Research (GJMR) as a Co author, “Breast Conserving Surgery and Whole Breast Radiation Therapy Followed by High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Boost Versus Electron Beam Boost in the Treatment of Early Breast Cancer in Young Indian Women: Which is Cosmetically Better?” (GJMR Vol. 13, Issue 5, Version 1.0).

(8) Research paper published in the National Journal of Medical Research (NJMR) as a Co author, “Improvement in xerostomia related quality of life of oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with IMRT compared to conventional RT” (Vol. Dec ’13'.