Hi my name is john, im very scared, im 22 and my gf is 21. Im about 7-7&1/2 inches long and rather thick, me and my girl had sex around 2:30pm today and i will admit it was very rough sex but she enjoyed it and didnt complain of pain, i also made sure she was naturally lubricated with foreplay befor hand . Later in the day around 9:45pm we decided to have sex again, like befor i made sure she was naturally lubricated with forplay, this time i assumed i went lil deep because she said her lower stomach hurt and she felt sick so we stopd haven sex and called it a night, as she began puting her cloths on she noticed on her pantys that there wasnt alot but theres was blood ....im scared and worryed...i love my girl very much...please help...