Hi !
Appendicitis is more of a clinical diagnosis than by investigations.
Ultrasound or a CT scan may or may not be conclusive, but may be supportive only.
Other possiblities are a right ureteric calculi with intermittent blockage in the urine flow,which may give rise to such pain, and ultrasound is a better modality for a stone than the CT scan. Your family physician may advise you to go for a urine test in case he suspects a
urinary tract infection associated with a calculi.
Did you boy friend had any history of
testicular pain recently ? In that case it could be a radiated pain related to inflammation in the right testicle. Your treating doctor has to examine him clinically to exclude it.
Also if he has a habit of eating outside frequently, and had a history of any bowel disorder, one may think of an attack of colitis as well.He may have to go for a routine
stool test in that case and have appropriate antibiotics for that.
Apart from this, there are some chronic inflammatory disorders which may give rise to such symptoms, but I do not want to confuse you more on all these.
Last but not the least, if the problem continues, then I would suggest you to take appointment with a
general surgeon, who after clinically examining you and based on the investigations, may arrive at a conclusion and manage further. In case of non conclusion of the diagnosis, he may even suggest you either for a endoscopic examination or a diagnostic
laparoscopy to arrive at a diagnosis, as removing a normal appendix may not cause any such grave problem, but leaving a diseased appendix behind by chance may lead to a lot of problem.
Wishing your boy friend an early recovery. Good luck.