Hello Dr. Grief, Approx. 7 mos. ago my girlfriend noticed a small bump on the upper portion (into hairline) of her forehead.it didn't hurt, assuming she unknowingly had bumped her head, she thought nothing of it. several months went by and it didn't go away, in fact, it appeared to have grown larger(approx. an inch in diam. and at least half an in of protruded mass) having no med. ins. she went to an emerg. room where they told her it was a form of cellulitus and it would go away. after approx. six mos. it is about 4 times the size, creating a deformity to her forehead region, causes throbbing and pain, as well as fatigue.a subsequent trip to the e.r. resulted in referral to a surgeon, wich she has no ins. to pay so she cant go. application to our state med. plan is resulting in months oh waiting shes told,meanwhile this anomaly continues to grow.im worried she is being slow played until this thing just kills her then the state wont have to spend anything on her. any suggestions, recommendations, or referrals?