i think i had sex with a guy who has a type of genital wart but im not sure, i asked him and he wont say but many other people told me otherwise, he no longer will talk to me. i have these small hard pimple size bumps in my mouth for over a year. they are the same color as the rest of my mouth mainly, but at the tip of the bump it is slightly lighter i think its because the skin is pulled tighter at the tip of the round bump then the bottom. i have one under my tongue , not on my tongue but between the spit ducks, one on my gums on the inside of my bottom jaw, about half an inch down from my teeth sightly to the right and one on my gums on the outside upper jaw above my two front teeth on that piece of skin and gum line that attaches my lip to my gums. on my lips in the corner of my mouth when i pull the skin tight i see and feel tiny hard white bumps. some are touching some have an mm. or two mm. between them but they are close. i have not tried to pop them, im to scared to. i also have this ruff patch on my gums on my outer front jaw. i can scrape this white plaque off the ruff patch and when i do i can see it patch better, it kinda looks like some bumps but its hard to tell. i am 20 and i am a little over weight 188lb, i have smoked for six years now. and i also think i have other stuff going on down stairs but im not sure i really dont know much about anything down there.