Till 6 months of age breast milk alone is the best for your baby.
First take care of your nutrition. Take a lot of pulses, eggs, fruits, vegetables, milk, adequate fluids, non veg (if your customs allow), saunf, dry fruits etc. Take your
calcium supplements daily. Take adequate rest as early resumption of works will reduce your milk output. And be confident that you can feed your child exclusively on breast milk for 6 months.
When feeding sit in a calm and private place in relaxed manner and feed your baby. If she falls asleep when she feeds, wake her up by gently stroking her feet/ ears. If you feel she is hungry after she feeds from one breast, offer her the other breast.
Once you start supplementing with Lactogen etc, your milk output will automatically reduce.
You will deprive your baby of the benefits of breast milk if you start supplementing. And more problems are awaiting if you are using bottle to feed formula.
So till 6 months breast milk alone is best for your baby.