Heh, I'm not usually the one on the asking for advice side of things, but I seem to have a bit of a predicament on my hands. LI, perhaps you can be of some help to me.
For the past month or so, I've had these itchy red bumps appearing all over my body. Now, at first I thought that it may have been flea bites. Since we have 2 dogs in the apartment, and they have had fleas. However, we bathed them, sprayed them, tore apart the apartment, cleaned and sprayed it, and all of that stuff that you're supposed to do when you've got problems with fleas. Even after waiting a bit, the bumps didn't subside.
So then I thought it might be bed bugs. So I searched for tiny stains of blood on the mattress, or the reddish stuff they leave in the seams, checked all of the baseboards and every crevice I could think that they'd be hiding -- and there's no sign of those little buggers either.
My boyfriend took a closer look at what I thought were fresh bites, and pointed out to me that they didn't have the little pin-hole on the top, like where whatever bit me would have done it. So then I started to think that maybe it was some sort of rash, like... an allergic reaction to something. However, absolutely nothing has changed. and I've only had this issue the past month.
I'm not taking any medications that might have been causing it, and my diet hasn't changed so I couldn't figure that it would be something I'm eating.
The bumps seem to be appearing at night, so I've stripped the bedding and washed it in hot-hot-hot water, sprayed the mattress, flipped it, and put it all back together, hoping that'd fix the problem -- all to no avail thus far. I've still got new little bumps appearing on random places all over my body but mostly hands and arms.
Now, before you tell me to go and see a doctor, i went to E.R. and they said it was allegic reactions to something and they gave me PREDNISONE 20MG TABLETS
To subside the intense itching, I've been taking some Benadryl at night when I go to sleep and using 0.5% hydrocortizone cream. It's been working, but I want to figure out what the cause of the itchy bumps are so that I can get rid of them, as opposed to just treating the itch.
Has anyone here experienced anything similar?
Did you find out what it was?
Does anyone have any possible idea of what could be wrong?
Hopefully someone will be able to help.