Hi, I have an awkward bump in my pelvic region that is located directly beside my clitoris. I have had the bump in the past, but it has just gone away. I do not really know what it is, but I have noticed that when I do have the bump, it seems like I can t really get aroused.. or though it feels like it. The bump is soft and a bit sore. I am in a sexual relationship currently, but we have never gone without protection. If it is any relation, I also have two small sores near the opening of the urethra . I assumed that the larger one was caused by a tear ( on account that my boyfriend is too large ) . Before that one completely healed, I developed another tear .... now.. neither have healed and they are quite painful when touched or at the beginning of intercourse, also sometimes when I urinate. I am kind of scared that this is an STD similar to Chlamydia or something. I am pretty scared, please help.