Noted the history of Volvulus, Lap Surgery for adhesions,
peritonitis and have now pain in the back and under ribs area.
The causes of such pain be as follows:
Local myalgia and spasm.
Costochondritis as the pain is under ribs.
Neurological pain due to involvement of the nerves supplying the area where you have got pain.
Intra-abdominal conditions like adhesions can also cause
referred pain in back.
Hence this can be diagnosed by the following ways.
A proper consultation with your Doctor, preferably a Surgeon for proper clinical evaluation, actual examination and investigations.
MRI of the back for knowing about any local problem related to spine, muscles, discs and so on.
Barium studies to know the present status of adhesion or obstruction.
If there is any local cause causing the pain in back then have
second opinion of an Orthopedic and/or Neurosurgeon for proper diagnosis and management as per the cause found.
If the contrast studies indicate any
intestinal obstruction then you may need further surgery.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T Chandrakant,
General Surgeon