I was bitten by a dog 2 weeks ago. I had jeans on, so it only scraped my skin (he ripped my pants). I cleaned it immediately with peroxide and neosporin. My leg was black and blue a few days later, then yellow, now color is normal... I called my doctor immediately after the bite, I received a tetanus shot last year for a cat bite, doctor said if it starts to look infected come in immediately. It doesn't look infected, it's just sore. It's a lot better than it was, but I was wondering if my leg should still be sore 2 weeks afterwards. Dog has all of it's shots, it looked like a large beagle but was half pit bull, so it had quite a bit of torque in it's bite. Just wondering if I should worry that it's still a bit sore as my mind starts to wonder what could happen next. Thank you.