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There is a medical condition called bromhidrosis.
Patients present with particularly offensive
body odor that most commonly originates from the axillary region. However, the condition may also occur as genital or plantar bromhidrosis. The odor has been described as pungent, rancid, musty, or sour in character.
Inadequate hygiene and medical or dermatologic conditions associated with
hyperhidrosis or overgrowth of bacteria may further contribute to its development. Examples include the following:
Diabetes mellitus
Conservative measures, which aim to reduce bacterial florae and maintain a dry environment, include improved hygiene and topical therapy.
measures, such as adequate washing of the axillary vault, prompt removal of sweaty clothing, and the use of topical deodorant (which covers the odor and decreases bacterial counts) are beneficial in cases of apocrine bromhidrosis.
Use of topical antibiotics such as
clindamycin and
erythromycin and antiseptic soaps may yield clinical benefit by limiting the growth of the contributory bacteria .
Hope it helps
Dr Geetika Paul