My mother is 52 years old & is suffering from SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY for last 2 years. She is HLAB27 positive and is having Merthotrexate 15 mg once a week, Folvite 5 mg twice a week, Saaz 1000 mg TDS along with other Anti-Hypertensive drugs. From Vellore, she has been asked to start DEFCORT 12 mg daily.She also took Inj Infliximab (7 doses)in last 2 years , but started having recurrent UTI and was treated with Nitrofurontoin. Her present problem is , she is having osteoprosis and swelling in feet with severe pain, for which she is unable to walk, Moreover she is feeling severe bitterness in tongue which is reducing her urge to eat.She also takes Paracetamol 1000 mg daily for her pain in knees, arms etc . Can Aceclofenac and Pregabalin help? If so for how long can I give her? What are the side effects? She also her h/o Gastric Ulcer and takes cold milk every morning and is regularly doing Physiotherapy for last 1 week.