Hello Dr, I came here in seek of answers to what any of you may think this problem to be -
There are these spots on the upper, inner of my thighs that - once popped- either fade away, swell down to a blocked pore or swell down to a blocked pore but become discolored, varies between a light brown and a dark brown with dead white skin around it that peels off a tiny bit. The skin closer to the groin gets darker, it's very embarrassing because it is very noticeable because I have very pale and sensitive skin. I have had these spots for over two years and they still haven't gone away. At first they hurt, they were a bright pink with a white tip, I assumed it was probably just a spot and popped it. More followed afterwards and they got less painful each time. Now I barely feel them but there is the odd occasion when a big nasty appears.
These spots first appeared after I wore a skirt for the first time which allowed my legs to rub and create friction which I think might have caused irritation, it was a very hot day and I will admit I was a bit sweaty...That didn't help.
I am 15 years of age and a bit overweight. As each day passes I get more concerned but I haven't asked my family doctor about it because I am very, very shy and extremely self conscious.