Hello there!
stage 4
bronchogenic carcinoma is a mortal condition with average life after diagnosis of 7 to 8 months with 5 year
survival rate of less than 30 percent.
now as you ask what are the signs of systems shut down so the answer depends on which system you are talknig about. lets discuss some
1. low potassium can arrhythmias in heart and a person can have a heart failure
2. low sodium will disturb hemostasis and a person will have
hyponatremia leading to its effects
3. kidney failure sign is urine out put will be decresed and will be less than 0.5 ml per kg per hour so for an average 70 kg man it would be less than 35 ml.
4. for a shutting brain will be stroke,
5. for lungs it will be hunger for breath, bluish discoloration,
restlessness etc
6. for liver it would be bleeding tendencies,
portal hypertension, spleenomegaly leading to rupture, encephalopathies etc
so its a multi organ failure thing all going on
normally a dying person Gasps and is disoriented drowsy etc. extremities get cold, persons heart beat pulse gets unmeasurable etc.
hope i was of help
Dr Shafi Ulllah klhan
My Patient Is My Family