OK so i had my surgery sept 3, 08 its been a little over a yr now. After i had the surgery i had a multitude of problems, starting with an extremely bad infection in the main incision , and ending with gallbladder removal and scar tissue troubles. I havent seen my surgeon since i believe 9 months out, he stopped makeing appts with me i just assumed that was normal, even tho i was/am still haveing pain. IDK really what im looking for with this post, im not even really sure what im asking. after haveing the surgery i spent the 1st about 5-6 months in and out of the ER and hospital due to pain in my abdomen , its right around where the main incision was made and it goes all the way across the top of my tummy right under my ribs. It gets so bad that i cannot stand up straight when it happens. its not happening every day anymore but it does happen once or twice every couple of weeks and it will last for anywhere between hours and a few days. along with this pain i get really dizzy and hotish feeling at times. Does anyone know why this is happening? B4 my surgeon stopped seeing me i asked and asked and asked him what it could be but he just said he didnt know, and kinda acted like i was makeing it up, im not sure anyone could fake this kinda pain. it was almost as if he just didnt want to deal with it anymore so he just stopped. Well now this pain is getting bad again its happening more and more frequently and hurts more and more every time. at first i thought maybe i was pulling the scar tissue that i have but that cant be since sometimes it happens when im not even moveing i could be just laying on the couch and bam its as if my insides are being ripped out starting with my stomach! anyone else have this problem? do you know how to fix it ? its starting to really worry me like ALOT! Seeing a different surgeon would be very difficult because i have tricare (military insurance) and the surgeon that did the procedure doesnt seem to care!