Two weeks ago, after an exam, I got stomach ache, fever, muscle leg pain, headache, fatigue. I tried sleeping early, my mom gave me some natural stuff for my immune system. Next morning I was better, but still was slightly warm with slight leg muscle pain but headache was gone. Also felt that if i did not watch myself i could end up back in bed. My mom thinks its stress, but i dont think so...Since then, every morning I spit up yellow bit mostly green saliva initially, then the color is normal. I do not have any blocked nose. But I do get a desire to blow my nose, its clear and very liquid, I would say normal, no yellow sticky stuff. Just now I have throat pain when I swallow. It does not hurt when I cough or very slowly swallow my saliva. The pain is felt quite low in my throat. But my throat is not sore and I can talk fine with no pain.