Hello and welcomr to HCM
I would like to educate you regarding
Celiac Disease (CD) before answering your query.
CD is a
malabsorption syndrome. In this disease the lining of the intestine especially the
small intestine is flattened. This flattening is due to presence of gluten in diet.
Gluten is present in whole grains like wheat, oats, maize and other millets. Allergy/ autoimmunity to gluten causes flattening of the mucosa. Flattened mucosa cannot absorb nutrients and it causes malabsorption.
Since, you are allergic to gluten, consumption of even small amounts will produce symptoms like abdominal discomfort and
The diagnosis of CD is made on basis of clinical history, serology and histopathological examination.
In serology, two tests are used- Anti endomysial antibody and tTGA.
Out of the two, tTGA is more specific.
tTGA is positive in your case. This confirms CD.
The management of CD consists of avoiding gluten containing food completely and consuming
gluten free food only.
Rice is free of gluten so you will have to add rice as your staple cereal.
Consumption of gluten containing food will cause symptoms of fullness, bloating and abdominal discomfort.
There is no deficiency of enzymes as taking enzymes has not relieved the symptoms.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal