Hello dear..
Since you had your periods 2weeks ago, you were in your fertile phase(ovulation phase) when you had your intercourse. So you can conceive if you had an
unprotected intercourse. But the symptoms you are telling cannot develop so soon even if you are pregnant.
Implantation, when the fertilized egg implants into the endometrium, happens about a week after ovulation (range: 6-12 days), and it takes another 3-4 days after implantation for the blood
pregnancy test to first become positive, followed 2-3 days later by the early positive pregnancy urine test, the home pregnancy test (HPT).
If you have done your urine pregnancy test , its definitely too early to be positive.
The early positive urine pregnancy test will usually not become positive until 2-3 days after the
blood test, and in most women until a missed period or about a week after implantation.
So you can repeat your urine test if you miss your periods or get a blood test for
hcG levels around a week before your next menses is due.