Hello, and thank you for using Healthcare Magic!
From your description of the events it is very unlikely that she is pregnant. If you want to be sure, it is very simple and inexpensive to get an over the counter urine
pregnancy test. The brief period of penetration is enough to cause pregnancy in some cases, but since she took emergency
contraception so soon afterward, this is very unlikely. Emergency contraception is quite effective when used up to 72 hours after unprotected sex. However, it is not recommended to be used regularly, because of side effects such as
irregular vaginal bleeding.
Having said this, your girlfriend still needs to make an appointment to be seen by her doctor. The thick white discharge that you are describing could be caused by a yeast infection, or it could be caused by a
sexually transmitted disease (STD). The most common STD in women is chlamydia. If untreated this can lead to
sterility, so it is very important that she be treated appropriately for whatever is causing her symptoms.
I hope I have given you some useful information, and wish you the best of health.
Dr. Kinney