Thanks for the query.
According to your description, the possibilities are :
Pelvic inflammatory disease. Sometimes minimal chronic infection can lead to pelvic inflammation.
This can present with pain abdomen etc features.
And can lead to lymphnodal enlargement.
-Sometimes women may have pain abdomen around the periods due to
hormonal effect.
-Structural causes like fibroids, polyps etc can lead to pain abdomen.
If you had
unprotected intercourse around the time of ovulation, there is possibility of
Sometimes urine pregnancy test kit may not detect early pregnancy.
For more details : http://srsree.blogspot.in/2012/05/pregnancy-tests.html
So, you go for
blood test for pregnancy or wait for few more days and repeat the urine test for pregnancy.
If the test comes negative, the possibility of pregnancy is less.
According to your age, there is less possibility for cervical malignancy.
If your symptoms persist, better to consult gynecologist once, get examined and take tablets to induce withdrawal bleeding.
Take care.