Hello, bpalas,
Thank you for contacting HCM with your quiery.
I am glad that you admit abusing alcohol and I hope you
are completely staying away from it. If you already have signs
liver damage from alcohol , this is the first step. Alcohol can
cause what is called
fatty liver where liver cells are loaded with fat
and they can't function properly. If a person continues to drink , then
there is progression to liver
cirrhosis which is severe scarring of the liver
leading to
liver failure, coma and death. There are also lots of complications
such as bleeding from ruptured venlarged veins in the sophagus and stomach,
build up of fluid in the abdomen and swelling of the legs and feet etc.
You mention pale stool and your internet search showed you what the
causes are. Yes,
bile duct obstruction or blockage from
gallstone or stricture
from inflammation can lead to this. Stool is usually chalky in color due to lack
of bile. Sometimes, the blockage can be inside the liver , the smaller channels
that bring the bile to the
gallbladder. That can happen with liver disease.
I would suggest that you get a complete set of blood tests, including blood
count, liver panel, and also a sonogram of the liver and gallbladder.
Eat a healthy meal with whole grain cereals, nuts, fresh fruits,vegetables
and plenty of fluids. Excercise regularly at least three times a week.
I also want you to take a good super B-Complex tablet daily along with Vit-C
1000 mg. daily.
Hope this helps you.
I wish you the best.