I have been on birth control for 2 years. The first year I was taking a combination pill without stop week, so 28 pills per month. After 1 year my body wasn't responding well, resulting in 8 weeks without period. My doctor changed my pill into a progesteron pill (minipil) also 28 pills, and 2 weeks after taking it, my period came. My doctor told me that with this pill I normally wouldn't have any period anymore, as this was a normal side effect, but every 24-28days (same as without pill) I was having my period. But the longer I was taking it, the more time in between the period (up to 35-40days). I also had more PMS complaints as tender and swollen breasts, bloated abdomen, emotional outburst, eating more, pelvic pain, etc. Also during my period I had more problems such as more days bleeding and more bloodloss. The beginning of April 2013 my doctor told me to stop taking the pill as my body was clearly not responding good anymore. She suggested a 6 month stop to reset my body. At the same time, the doctor discovered naboth cysts on the right handside of my pelvic and follicular ovary cysts on each ovary. 9 April my last period came, and lasted 3 days same as when I'm off the pill. Now I have been waiting for about 35 days for my period, and this is the first time I have had no PMS, or at least no serious ones. Today when I went to the toilet, I have noticed some orange (clear orange) discharge. I have never ever had this colour as bloodloss or discharge before, so I have no idea if this is the start of my period or real discharge. I do not have any specific complaints so far. I am very worried something is wrong. I normally have brownish bloodloss up to clear red blood, but never orange. It's not too much, but too much to be just discharge. Please give me some advice.