hi, i had a stroke 2 years ago, after having 10 tias. The doctors could not find anything wrong and they said i had conversion disorder. Three days after i had my last supposed conversion disorder attack i went to a Dr. that told me to take a vacation and my right paralysis will disappear. After my family insisted to have another MRI he agreed to give the order saying that i was glowing from all the tests done. The day after the test he called me and told me that i have had 2 strokes and put me on 325 aspirin. He said my stroke was probably was due to plaque. I then went to a general practitioner who told me he believed that a had a blood disorder was the cause of my stroke. He sent me to a cancer Dr. who specialized in blood disorder and he discover that i had i had prothombin gene mutation factor ll. Since then, i have been on coumadin/warfarin/jantoveen. My father had 2 strokes therefore i assume i inherit the disorder from him. I remain with paralysis on my right hand, speech difficulty and difficulty walking. My question is, would i have had such a severe stroke if i was on my current medication? What is the likelihood af having another stroke? What are the long term side effects of this medication considering i am 60 years old and i have to be on medication for life. Thank you for your time!