I was bending over my large oval tub trying to clean it and had all of my weight distributed on the edge of the tub. All of a sudden I heard a pop, it felt like something shifted and I was in immediate pain. When I finally got up, I checked to see if I was bruised under my ribs but there wasn t anything. For the next couple days I was fine. Then I went to church and was raising my hands in praise, after that moment it has been very painful. I can t take a deep breath, laugh or cough . It hurts to get out of bed or get out of a chair. I would take ibuprophen but I am on warfarin for a DVT caused by trama from a pic line in my subclavian vein . I know, I sound like a mess! I am a 55 year old woman w/ idiopathic gastroparesis 7 yrs now. I do not take pain meds and thought this pain would subside but it seems worst. Do you think I should see my doctor. I hate to go since this would be another problem & I am not that type of patient. It just feels like something is really wrong. Thank you...AAAAA