I have Addison disease . Some of the Endo doc s I have seen believe the Addison s or Addrenal failfure (last Cort test 0 AM...0 PM) was caused from the depromedral injections I get in my spine about every 90 days. I can not take Hydrodcort, dexamythesone, prednisone . My doctor and I have even tried depromedral (may be spelled incorrectly) muscles injections. I have seen 4 Endo docs all tell me the same thing. There are only these three drugs for this disease. For 5 years I have suffered from takning the drugs and may possible die without them. I have searched, asked, prayed. I truly have no life. The engery level is low a shower is almost impossible. I went from a high entergetic person, owned my own business, worked out almost every day, my life revolved around giving and helping people. Now I can t help myself. If you know another drug (which is doubtful) do you know of some kind for experimental drug. I will try anything that might help. This is not someone playing a joke to see what will happen. My story is very true. If you can help in anyway please do so, but I have already tried the herbal treatments too. Thank you for taking the time to read this. AAAAA