Dear Doctor,
I am a Male, 43 years. I am asthmatic since the age of 17. During first 7 years I suffered a lot, went through loads of medication and hospitalization too. After the age of 24, I started doing exercise like jogging, swimming etc., and developed a good immunity. With the right combination of food, exercise and medication I didn’t have any big problem till the age of 40. I have been taking Forminide 200 inhaler (2 puffs 2 times a day, sometime reduce it when I feel good), other steroidal inhalers, nasal sprays for the last 20 years or so.
For the last 3 years, especially during winter season, my respiratory problem recurred. 2 years back, my condition so worsened that, cough, cold, sputum stayed for more than 2 months. There was leakage in my right eye retina. I had blurred vision for 15 days. It got rectified naturally after that. Retina Specialist says it is because of continuous usage of steroid drugs. He also says there is cataract in one of the eyes (in very initial stage) due to long usage of inhalers. But my family doctor argues that it is not because of steroidal drugs but due to consistent cough and sneezing. Please suggest me which is correct. Also suggest remedial measures for recurrence of my respiratory problem since the last 3 days.
My Advance Thanks for your Suggestions.