I have frequently low blood pressure example 102/62 sitting & laying down 93/54. Now I'm having chest pressure and lightheadiness, fatigue, weak limbs symptoms, along with feet cramps (in my toes & foot specifically). I have atrial tychardia up to 200bpm, pacemaker, I'm 36 yrs of age (female), psvt, initially started with wolfe parkinson white syndrome. Will my heart ever get tired of working so hard and just quit or congestive heart failure occur? My body is very tired and fatigued and I feel very hopeless.
I have taken all the meds out there beta blockers & calcium channels and nothing helps the fast arriythmas. I've had over 10 ablations to help to eliminate the extra passages. The last time i was in the cath lab the dr. said I fast tachycardia is located near the nephrenic nerve and we risked attempting to fix the issue by freezing and burning but it was unsuccesful.