Hello. I'm sorry you're having problems. The air that is leaking from your eye is undoubtedly emerging from your
nasolacrimal duct, which normally drains tears from your eye to the back of your nose. Because your nasal passages are congested, your BPAP device is pushing air through this duct instead of routing it into your airway. There are several approaches that might be useful:
A decongestant/expectorant, such as phenylephrine/
guaifenesin, might break up your congestion and improve air flow. (Decongestants can dry your airways, though, so ask your doctor if such medications are appropriate for you.)
You could use a neti pot to irrigate your
sinuses before bedtime. This would flush mucus from your nose and sinuses and improve air flow.
Make sure your BPAP humidifier is working properly, and ask your doctor and/or BPAP tech if a temporary change in pressure settings would be helpful.
Hopefully, as your
sinus infection clears this problem will resolve. In the meantime, it's important to keep your eye lubricated. A number of products are available for this purpose (e.g., Advanced Eye Relief Nighttime, Lacrilube, etc.). Your doctor can offer some guidance here.
I hope that helps, and I hope you feel better soon!